Keeping lawns weed free

How do you keep the weeds out of the lawn?

How do you keep the weeds out of the lawn?

Keeping weeds out of the lawn can be difficult and even seem impossible sometimes, but there are several ways you can  reduce their expasion and maintain a healthy lawn:

  1. Mow regularly: Regular mowing helps to control the growth of weeds. A weed can only spread its seeds when it gets to a certain height (usually when it can flower). Keep the grass at a height of 2-3 inches to promote healthy growth and reduce the growth of weeds.

  2. Water deeply and infrequently: Water your lawn deeply and infrequently, rather than shallowly and frequently, to encourage deep root growth in the grass and make it more resistant to weeds. Water in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation and ensure the water reaches the roots.

  3. Fertilize properly: Use lawn-fertilizer at the recommended time and in the right amount to encourage healthy growth and allow the grass shoots to outcompete weeds. Use a slow-release fertilizer and read the instructions carefully to avoid scorching your lawn.

  4. Apply lawn-weedkillers: There are many products available that can help to kill lawn weeds and prevent new outcrops. 

  5. Pull up or dig out them out: Hand-pulling or digging out weeds can be the easiest way to control them, especially for small lawns or certain areas. Make sure to pull up all of the roots. 

  6. Overseed the lawn: This can help to fill in bare patches and promote growth, which in turn will outcompete any weeds.

It's good to note that maintaining a weed-free lawn requires ongoing care and attention. Following this above steps will help you keep that lawn looking a million dollars. 

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